Sunday, October 21, 2012

the birth control issue

As contraception is used for a variety of women's medical issues besides birth control, the primary reason for the birth control flack is based on religious doctrine. This is NOT a theocracy. If your faith doesn't agree with birth control, then you don't have to use it. I'm sure there are plenty of items within an insurance coverage that religious doctrine would be against. Trying to cherry-pick morality upon others using the Government as a front is, to me, morally reprehensible. For a party that supposedly wants "smaller Gov't," they sure want to legislate quite a few personal choices through said Govt.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Exclusive domain - NOT!

Hope, comfort, noble virtues and a solid foundation that sustains in hard times are not the exclusive domain of ANY one religion. I cannot buy the notion that a Divinity capable of creating this complex universe of ours could possibly be pigeonholed into one religious dogma.