A very good way of looking at things. So many people are trying to
"find themselves," when what's really in play is that they don't want to
face who they are now. We are not lost; we are simply afraid to
acknowledge the reality of who we are at this moment, and do what's
necessary to change behaviors, perspectives, situations, etc to what
they need to be.
Getting out of your comfort zone, especially as we get older and comfortable with believing and behaving in certain ways, is
really hard. We feel safe and secure; why rock the boat? But life is a
continuous journey, without a roadmap. We move forward, or get tripped
up or mired down, based on how well we have absorbed the lessons from
our experiences, and our relationships with other people.
I've been doing quite a bit of self-examination over the past year,
with dreamwork, etc, as my body has transitioned into the Crone phase.
There are changes going on in my life, false perceptions being tossed
aside, self-created obstacles removed. The journey ahead, without those
in the way, is very promising.
The Divine is within all things;
to know yourself as part of that whole is to be connected to nature and
the Divine. You are not lost or separate from nature; you ARE nature,
and through that, the Divine.