Thursday, December 13, 2012

Texas pentagram-carving loon

I’ve been searching through various news stories about the guy who carved a pentagram on his young son’s back due to the 12/12/12 “holy day.” Horrifying as that was, I must admit to being pleasantly surprised at how unbiased (in general) the reports have been in relation to this. For example, CNN’s report states, “A pentagram is a five pointed star that has associations with many different religions and belief systems.” No specific comments about Satanism, Paganism, Wicca etc. Aka, not an automatic “those New Age loons, here’s another one.”

The boy has been released from the hospital and should suffer no permanent physical injury, as the cuts were not deep. I hope they get him some psychological support, as well as the mother. There was blood smeared on the sides and the top of the home’s door frame doorway as well (shades of Biblical Passover), which means the father did more than just cut the child; he was being ritualistic on a larger scale.

An excerpt from the attached article:

“His stepfather said he had been searching for his spirituality. “He is deep into the Old Testament,” said John Ponce, his stepfather, in the telephone interview from Portland. “There’s a possibility with all of this pain and marital strife and such, he may have resorted to Old Testament references and then convoluted them. If you know about the Old Testament, there’s the Passover marks on the doorframe were done with a sacrificial lamb, definitely not sacrificial children.”

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