Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Pagan "elevator speeches," continued

What would you include in your elevator speech? Reminder, you've only got 30 seconds average, about 1-2 minutes max to make your points. So what would you feel is important to share? Pick whichever Pagan-related topic you tend to get asked about the most. Word your comment as if you were speaking directly to the non-Pagan.

Here are some of my "elevator speeches:"

On Paganism -  “Paganism is the umbrella term for non-Abrahamic religions and beliefs. It’s primarily used now for earth-based or nature-based spirituality.”

On Wicca - “Wicca is a Pagan religion originating from Britain in the early 20th century by Gerald Gardner. It is an initiatory Mystery faith that has 8 basic elements: Creation of sacred space, belief in the duality of the Divine as God & Goddess, the Threefold Law, use of four primary magickal tools, initiation, the sacred feast, the Wiccan Rede, and celebration of 8 Sabbats or holy days.”

On the Goddess - “The Goddess is half of the Divine whole; all creation comes from the union of male and female. I believe that the Divine is within all things, so the feminine part of that is manifested as the Goddess.”


CricketForestwater said...

I actually don't get asked very often. Then again, I don't really go telling everyone, either (still in the broomcloset with most of my family.) However, I do remember a couple of conversations when I had to debunk a few misconceptions, and they were quite similar to what you've written.

Really, the thing I seem to explain the most is exactly what I follow.

They ask me if I'm Wiccan, and I have to tell them that I consider myself "Pagan." Now, I know that a good deal of other Pagans are aware that the term is just something that encompasses a wide range of things, so I go on to say that I 'study' Wicca, but I would not call myself a 'Wiccan,' (since I don't want to deal with the "oh but you're not part of an initiated coven!") I do borrow from other paths, but I don't take from enough of them to consider myself 'Eclectic' either. I study Wicca, I study Shamanism, and I do a bit with what would you call that? Not Wiccan, not Shaman, not Eclectic, so just...Pagan.

Seshen said...

The elevator speeches I posted are most appropriate for work or my kids' school, where you don't have a lot of time to go into it. I will personally add that I follow the Lycian Tradition of Wicca (if they have already asked if I'm Wiccan).